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Our Why

At The Knowledge Exchange, our mission is that quality education is a right, not a privilege-we teach our community about life!

In the United States, the gap between a high-performing and a low-performing student is significant. Oftentimes, the likelihood of success depends mainly on your family of origin.

On average, lower income and minority students on average have: lower school funding, more severe disciplinary punishments, lower graduation rates, lower college admittance, and higher dropout rates. Simply put, lower income and minority students are vulnerable and more at risk of becoming part of the statistics above. Without equal opportunity to high-quality education, most vulnerable students will simply be abandoned by our current education system. 

This oftentimes has permanent effects. Vulnerable students will on average receive stagnant wages, which will further compound on the disadvantages they already endure. To make this untenable situation even bleaker, overall education cost in the U.S. is one of the highest in the world, and it shows no signs of improving.

Our country has a system of minimal financial support, which strongly favors families that already have the means to provide, and ostracizes the families that don’t. All of us at The Knowledge Exchange refuse to stand by idly. We are a group of concerned professionals who recognize that high quality education is oftentimes reserved only to those with the financial means to afford it. Too often, students are forced into unfair circumstances due to no faults of their own. This is a fundamental travesty that has plagued this country for far too long.

We believe everyone is entitled to a high quality education, regardless of background. We provide affordable tutoring and lesson plans at a mere fraction of what for-profit corporations charge. We also offer scholarships to our students, encouraging college enrollment and school retention. Our instructors are driven with a mission to serve, and they have the experience needed to tackle any challenges a student will face. 

At The Knowledge Exchange, we believe community is everything. This is why in addition to tutoring and seminars/workshops, we also frequently have volunteer events where we encourage both teachers and students to attend together. From our experience, we believe that students learn better and more effectively when they have a personal connection with their teachers: and we believe that this relationship is best fostered via working together in community service.                            

To keep the cost of our service as low as possible and to remain true to our grassroots values, we are 100% public funded. We survive on donations from the public who share our sentiments and believe in our mission. Education inequality has been and always will be a stubborn problem; but all of us at TKE believe that it can be defeated if we, as a community, come together to create a more just, kinder, and educated society.

-Jimmy Shing

Founder of TKE


Children(K-12) scores on national assessments of math, reading, and science are 50% at or above national average on all three assessments for higher median income families as opposed to only 19% for lower median income families. 

U.S. News and World Report 


Black students are 72% more likely to take on more debt than their peers, while over 23% more white students finish a four-year degree as compared to black students.

U.S. Department of Education


Only college graduates have experienced growth in real median weekly earnings since 1979. High school dropouts, by contrast, seen their real median earnings decline by 22%

U.S. Bureau of Statistics